Introducing the enchanting Pink Climbing Rose 'Mamma Mia Courtyard,' a true marvel in the world of roses. Its petals boast a perfect fusion of delicate powder pink and soft lilac, creating a mesmerizing display of ruffled blooms, each reaching an impressive diameter of up to 8cm. Adding to its allure, this rose carries an irresistible wild fragrance, captivating all who encounter its aroma. A part of the esteemed Courtyard® Collection, this climbing rose boasts a unique flowering characteristic, starting its blossoming journey from the base and gracing its way upwards along the branches. It continues to astonish throughout the season, presenting a profusion of flowers, and can reach a height of up to 1m, making it a truly eye-catching feature in any garden. Whether adorning arches, doorways, pergolas, or other garden structures, this climber seamlessly adds elegance and charm to the landscape. Its adaptability allows it to thrive in pots or directly in the ground, making it a versatile choice for all garden enthusiasts. Embrace the grace and fragrance of Pink Climbing Rose 'Mamma Mia Courtyard' and elevate your garden with its extraordinary beauty.
The plant's growth rate and size will vary depending on planting position & conditions, and bloom, foliage and interest may vary from photo upon delivery, dependant on season.
Delivery Note: Please note that unfortunately we are currently unable to deliver plants to Northern Ireland.